Perl ANTLR v3 Target
Ron Blaschke, ron at
Early prototyping phase. Simple lexer and parser are working.
Here's a simple example. Note that everything is still subject to change.
$ cat T.g lexer grammar T; options { language = Perl5; } ZERO: '0'; ONE: '1';
$ cat T.tokens Tokens=6 ZERO=4 ONE=5
$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl use ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream; use TLexer; use strict; use warnings; my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new('010'); my $lexer = TLexer->new($input); while (1) { my $token = $lexer->next_token(); last if $token->get_type() == $TLexer::EOF; print "type: ", $token->get_type(), "\n"; print "text: ", $token->get_text(), "\n"; print "\n"; }
$ perl type: 4 text: 0 type: 5 text: 1 type: 4 text: 0
+ Escaped characters, like '\n', are now handled properly.
+ Added error handling.
lexer grammar T2; options { language = Perl5; } ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ; INT : '0'..'9'+ ; NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ; WS : (' '|'\t')+ ;
INT=5 WS=7 Tokens=8 ID=4 NEWLINE=6
#!/usr/bin/perl use ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream; use T2Lexer; use strict; use warnings; my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new("Hello World!\n42\n"); my $lexer = T2Lexer->new($input); while (1) { my $token = $lexer->next_token(); last if $token->get_type() == $T2Lexer::EOF; print "type: ", $token->get_type(), "\n"; print "text: ", $token->get_text(), "\n"; print "\n"; }
type: 4 text: Hello type: 7 text: type: 4 text: World line 1:12 no viable alternative at character '!' type: 6 text: type: 5 text: 42 type: 6 text:
Note the "no viable alternative" error message for the unrecognized '!'.
+ Handle lexer actions
Here's another short example, similar to the one above. Note how whitespaces are put into the hidden channel (99) and newlines are skipped.
lexer grammar T2; options { language = Perl5; } ID : ('a'..'z'\|'A'..'Z')\+ ; INT : '0'..'9'\+ ; NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' { $self->skip(); } ; WS : (' '\|'\t')\+ { $channel = HIDDEN; } ;
$ perl text: Hello type: 4 pos: 1:0 channel: 0 token index: -1 text: type: 7 pos: 1:5 channel: 99 token index: -1 text: World type: 4 pos: 1:6 channel: 0 token index: -1 line 1:11 no viable alternative at character '!' text: 42 type: 5 pos: 2:0 channel: 0 token index: -1
+ Simple Parser is working
Quick, what is 2 + 2? If you can't remember here's an easy way to find out. First we need a grammar.
grammar MExpr; options { language = Perl5; } prog: stat+ ; stat: expr NEWLINE { print "$expr.value\n"; } | NEWLINE ; expr returns [value] : e=atom { $value = $e.value; } ( '+' e=atom { $value += $e.value; } | '-' e=atom { $value -= $e.value; } )* ; atom returns [value] : INT { $value = $INT.text; } | '(' expr ')' { $value = $expr.value; } ; ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ; INT : '0'..'9'+ ; NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ; WS : (' '|'\t')+ { $self->skip(); } ;
And here's the test program.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream; use ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream; use MExprLexer; use MExprParser; while (<>) { my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new($_); my $lexer = MExprLexer->new($input); my $tokens = ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream->new({ token_source => $lexer }); my $parser = MExprParser->new($tokens); $parser->prog(); }
Finally we're getting to the answer.
$ perl 2 + 2 4
+ Simple expression grammar
The grammar
grammar Expr; options { language = Perl5; } @header { } @members { my %memory; } prog: stat+ ; stat: expr NEWLINE { print "$expr.value\n"; } | ID '=' expr NEWLINE { $memory{$ID.text} = $expr.value; } | NEWLINE ; expr returns [value] : e=multExpr { $value = $e.value; } ( '+' e=multExpr { $value += $e.value; } | '-' e=multExpr { $value -= $e.value; } )* ; multExpr returns [value] : e=atom { $value = $e.value; } ('*' e=atom { $value *= $e.value; })* ; atom returns [value] : INT { $value = $INT.text; } | ID { my $v = $memory{$ID.text}; if (defined $v) { $value = $v; } else { print STDERR "undefined variable $ID.text\n"; } } | '(' expr ')' { $value = $expr.value; } ; ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ; INT : '0'..'9'+ ; NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ; WS : (' '|'\t')+ { $self->skip(); } ;
Test program
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use blib '../..'; use ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream; use ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream; use ExprLexer; use ExprParser; my $in; { undef $/; $in = <>; } my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new($in); my $lexer = ExprLexer->new($input); my $tokens = ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream->new({ token_source => $lexer }); my $parser = ExprParser->new($tokens); $parser->prog();
Test run
$ perl x=1 y=2 3*(x+y) ^Z 9
Started real porting effort. The goal is to port one ANTLR runtime class at a time from Java to Perl, including full API coverage and documentation. First stop of the porting train: ANTLR::Runtime::BitSet.
Got the first parser working: SimpleCalc, taken from the Five minute introduction to ANTLR 3.
Ronald Blaschke (ron at rblasch org)