Template construction
ANTLR v3 has built-in support for constructing StringTemplate templates. there are two forms: Special symbols in actions and rewrite rules similar to AST construction. I am including a number of rules from the mantra example.
Sometimes you just need a string to become a template:
'void' -> {%{"void"}}
The following tree grammar rule illustrates some of the basic rewrite rules:
primary : ID -> {%{$ID.text}} // create template from token text // create template using rule results as template attributes | ^('new' typename args=expressionList) -> new(type={$typename.st},args={$args.st}) | listliteral -> {$listliteral.st} // reuse template built for listliteral // create template using token text as template attribute | NUM_INT -> int_literal(v={$NUM_INT.text}) ;
And here are some more complicated examples:
assignment : // special case "a[i] = expr;" ^('=' ^(EXPR ^(INDEX a=expression i=expression)) rhs=completeExpression) -> indexed_assignment(list={$a.st}, index={$i.st}, rhs={$rhs.st}) | ^('=' lvalue completeExpression) -> assignment( lhs={$lvalue.st}, rhs={$completeExpression.st}) | ^(assign_op lvalue completeExpression) -> assignment_with_op( type={$assign_op.start.type.name}, op={$assign_op.text}, lhs={$lvalue.st}, rhs={$completeExpression.st}) ;
When you need to append multiple strings or templates into a another template use the += operator for a rule's return value (former use of toTemplates no longer required). For example adding variable declarations inside a struct template :
structDeclaration : name=Ident (decls+=typeDecls)+ -> structDecl(name={$name.text},declList={$decls}); ;
and the templates for a struct declaration may be something like this :
structDecl(name,declList) ::= << struct <name> { <declList; separator="\n"> }
More on string templates can be found here: String Template