Lexer grammar for floating point, dot, range, time specs

Lexer grammar for floating point, dot, range, time specs

How to lex numbers, dots/periods, and range operators all at the same time.

(... and catch errors with malformed literals.)

The question "How do I parse floating point numbers, and single periods/dots and I need a range operator which is two dots at the same time?" comes up so frequently, that I decided to publish the lexical rules from the commercial grade lexer in the JavaFX compiler, with the blessings of Sun Microsystems, as the compiler is open source. See JavaFX for more details of the JavaFX project.

In the source code below, you will see action call outs to produce error messages from your lexer. Programming for errors is generally ignored by programmers new to ANTLR because it is easy to program a rule that matches, but not so easy to program one that catches badly formed constructs - this is important for your users (wink) . Replace these JavaFX compiler specific calls with calls to your own error manager - the errors they are throwing should be obvious. There are also callouts to check numeric ranges, which also log errors if numbers are out of defined ranges - again, implement your own code here.

The very few action elements here are in Java, but are easily adapted to other targets.


Note the use of fragment rules with no body to define the token types that the main FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL uses.
You may feel that this looks like a complicated rule, but in fact it is very simple as all the possible paths through a literal definition are laid out and you can read it directly, without having to infer any decisions that ANTLR tried to make for you.

 * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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// Numeric literals.
// These are handled specially to reduce lexer complexity and
// negate the need to override standard ANTLR lexing methods.
// This improves performance and enhance readability.
// The following fragment rules are to document the types and
// to provide a lexer symbol for the token type. The actual
// parsing is carried out in the FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL rule.

// Time literals are self evident in meaning and are currently
// recognized by the lexer. This may change as in some cases
// trying to do too much in the lexer results in lexing errors
// that are difficult to recover from.
fragment    TIME_LITERAL        :   ;

// Decimal literals may not have leading zeros unless
// they are just the constant 0. They are integer only.
// In order to do more accurate error processing, these
// numeric literlas may merge into one rule that overrides
// the type.
fragment    DECIMAL_LITERAL     :   ;

// Octal literals are preceded by a leading zero and must be followed
// by one or more valid octal digits.
fragment    OCTAL_LITERAL       :   ;

// Hex literals are preceded by 0X or 0x and must have one or
// more valid hex digits following them.
fragment    HEX_LITERAL         :   ;

// Range operator, which is two dots - '..'
fragment        DOTDOT                  :       ;

// Dot operator, which is a single '.'
fragment        DOT                     :       ;

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// This rule is in fact the proxy rule for all types of numeric
// literals. ANTLR lexers are LL recognizers rather than pattern
// matchers such as flex. Hence we want to hand craft this rule
// to guide it through all the possible combinations of digits and
// dots in the most efficient way.
// This rule presents all the decision points in definite order,
// giving the scanner little hard work to do to select the
// correct token to match. The fragment rules above (TIME_LITERAL, DOTDOT
// and so on), are essentially just there to create the token
// types.

    // Indicates out of range digit
    boolean rangeError = false;

    // First character of rule
    int     sPos = getCharIndex();

    // Is this going to be a negative numeric?
    boolean negative = input.LT(-1) == '-';

        // A leading zero can either be a decimal literal
        // (if it is the sole component) or introduces
        // an octal or hexadecimal number. Time sequences
        // are also possible for the single '0' digit.
                  ('x'|'X')     // Hex literal indicated

                    // Always set the type, so the parser is not confused
                    $type = HEX_LITERAL;
                        // We consume any letters and digits that follow 0x
                        // and control the error that we issue.
                          ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F')      // Valid Hex
                        | ('g'..'z' |'G'..'Z')          // Invalid hex

                                rangeError = true;  // Signal at least one bad digit

                            setText(getText().substring(2, getText().length()));
                            if  (rangeError)
                                // Error - malformed hex constant
                                log.error(sPos, MsgSym.MESSAGE_JAVAFX_HEX_MALFORMED);
                                if (! checkIntLiteralRange(getText(), getCharIndex(), 16, negative))

                            // Hex numbers cannot be floating point, but catch this here
                            // rather than mismatch it.
                                { input.LA(2) != '.'}?=>

                                    { sPos = getCharIndex(); }

                                    '.' (
                                              ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F')      // Valid Hex
                                            | ('g'..'z' |'G'..'Z')          // Invalid hex


                                        // Error - malformed hex constant
                                        log.error(sPos, MsgSym.MESSAGE_JAVAFX_HEX_FLOAT);


                    |   // If no digits follow 0x then it is an error
                            log.error(getCharIndex()-1, MsgSym.MESSAGE_JAVAFX_HEX_MISSING);


                |   // Digits indicate an octal sequence
                    // but we allow a match for any standard ASCII digit
                    // and issue a controlled error, rather than allow
                    // the lexer to throw mismatch errors. This is much nicer
                    // for users.
                          '0'..'7'  // Valid octal digit

                        | '8'..'9'  // Invalid octal digit

                                rangeError = true; // Signal that at least one digit was wrong

                        // Always set the type to octal, so the parser does not see
                        // a lexing error, even though the compiler knows there is an
                        // error.
                        $type = OCTAL_LITERAL;

                        if  (rangeError)
                            log.error(sPos, MsgSym.MESSAGE_JAVAFX_OCTAL_MALFORMED);
                            if  (! checkIntLiteralRange(getText(), getCharIndex(), 8, negative))
                            // Octal numbers cannot be floating point, but catch this here
                            // rather than mismatch it.
                            { input.LA(2) != '.'}?=>

                            { sPos = getCharIndex(); }

                            '.' Digits?

                                    log.error(sPos, MsgSym.MESSAGE_JAVAFX_OCTAL_FLOAT);

                |   // Time sequence specifier means this was 0 length time
                    // in whatever units.
                    ('m' 's'? | 's' | 'h')

                    { $type = TIME_LITERAL; }

                |   // We can of course have 0.nnnnn
                    { input.LA(2) != '.'}?=> '.'
                              // Decimal, but possibly time
                              Digits Exponent?

                                        ('m' 's'? | 's' | 'h')

                                        { $type = TIME_LITERAL; }

                                    |   // Just 0.nnn
                                        { $type = FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL; }

                            |   // Just 0.
                                { $type = FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL; }

                |   // If there were no following digits or adornments or range follows
                    // then this was just Zero
                        $type = DECIMAL_LITERAL;
                        if  (! checkIntLiteralRange(getText(), getCharIndex(), 10, negative))

    |   // Leading non zero digits can only be base 10, but might
        // be a floating point or a time,
        ('1'..'9') Digits?

            // Numeric so far, resolve float and times

                { input.LA(2) != '.'}?=>

                      '.' Digits? Exponent?

                          ('m' 's'? | 's' | 'h')

                            { $type = TIME_LITERAL; }

                        |   // Just n.nnn
                            { $type = FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL; }

                |   // Just a decimal literal
                          ('m' 's'? | 's' | 'h')

                            { $type = TIME_LITERAL; }

                        | Exponent

                                $type = FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL;

                        |   // Just n.nnn
                                $type = DECIMAL_LITERAL;
                                if (! checkIntLiteralRange(getText(), getCharIndex(), 10, negative))


            (     // Float, but is it a time?
                  Digits Exponent?

                         ('m' 's'? | 's' | 'h')

                            { $type = TIME_LITERAL; }

                        |   // Just  floating point
                            { $type = FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL; }


                |   // Is it a range specifer?
                        $type = DOTDOT; // Yes, it was ..

                |   // It was just a single .

                    { $type = DOT; }

    :   ('0'..'9')+

    :   ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')?

                |   {
                        log.error(getCharIndex()-1, MsgSym.MESSAGE_JAVAFX_EXPONENT_MALFORMED);