JSON Interpreter
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a straightforward data interchange format and alternative to XML. This page includes combined "front end" parser/lexer that emits an AST and a separate "back end" tree parser to generate the actual objects.
Why use an AST?
I had two goals with this design:
- Keep the syntax clear
- Make it easier to retarget the back end for different output languages. You only have to modify the tree parser and set the output language options.
Be aware that the Parser passes all character escapes unchanged: "\r" is passed as slash-r. It's the Tree Parser's job to convert these to the appropriate characters (Carriage Return, 0x0D in this case.)
Error handling
This version now checks that numbers are in the correct format (essentially, no leading zeroes) and disables error handling so the exceptions propagate all the way up. Thanks to Nuno Job for pointing this out: http://www.nunojob.com/blog/2009/05/26/json-grammar/
You don't have to include the numeric validation code or the "disable error handling" code if you don't want to. Another option would be to move the numeric validity check into the tree parser (extractNumber), which would have the advantage of leaving the parser and lexer language-independent (and, truth be told, would probably be cleaner.)
Here's the front end:
grammar JSON; options { output = AST; } tokens { STRING; NUMBER; OBJECT; FIELD; ARRAY; COMMA = ','; TRUE; FALSE; NULL; } @header { package net.nextquestion.json; import java.util.regex.Pattern; } @lexer::header { package net.nextquestion.json; } // Optional step: Disable automatic error recovery @members { protected void mismatch(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow) throws RecognitionException { throw new MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input); } public Object recoverFromMismatchedSet(IntStream input, RecognitionException e, BitSet follow) throws RecognitionException { throw e; } } // Alter code generation so catch-clauses get replace with // this action. @rulecatch { catch (RecognitionException e) { throw e; } } value : string | number | object | array | 'true' -> TRUE | 'false' -> FALSE | 'null' -> NULL ; string : String -> ^(STRING String) ; // If you want to conform to the RFC, use a validating semantic predicate to check the result. // You can omit the check if you want. The parser will still recognize valid JSON and it will // allow numbers with leading zeroes. // See the second note above for an alternate approach using the tree parser. // This could be more efficient (e.g. pre-compile the pattern), but I'm going for clarity here. number : n=Number {Pattern.matches("(0|(-?[1-9]\\d*))(\\.\\d+)?", n.getText())}? Exponent? -> ^(NUMBER Number Exponent?) ; object : '{' members '}' -> ^(OBJECT members) ; array : '[' elements ']' -> ^(ARRAY elements) ; elements: value (COMMA! value)* ; members : pair (COMMA! pair)* ; pair : String ':' value -> ^(FIELD String value) ; // Simple, but more permissive than the RFC allows. See number above for a validity check. Number : '-'? Digit+ ( '.' Digit+)?; Exponent: ('e'|'E') '-'? Digit+; String : '"' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\u0000'..'\u001f' | '\\' | '\"' ) )* '"' ; WS: (' '|'\n'|'\r'|'\t')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; // ignore whitespace fragment EscapeSequence : '\\' (UnicodeEscape |'b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\') ; fragment UnicodeEscape : 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit ; fragment HexDigit : '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' | 'a'..'f' ; fragment Digit : '0'..'9' ;
This back-end is written in Java. This implementation turns a JSON array into a Java List
and a JSON object into a Map
tree grammar JSONTree; options { tokenVocab=JSON; // reuse token types ASTLabelType=CommonTree; // $label will have type CommonTree } @header { package net.nextquestion.json; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; } @members { private Object extractNumber(CommonTree numberToken, CommonTree exponentToken) { String numberBody = numberToken.getText(); // you could choose to validate numberBody here instead of in the parser String exponent = (exponentToken == null) ? null : exponentToken.getText().substring(1); // remove the 'e' prefix if there boolean isReal = numberBody.indexOf('.') >= 0 || exponent != null; if (!isReal) { return new Integer(numberBody); } else { double result = Double.parseDouble(numberBody); if (exponent != null) { result = result * Math.pow(10.0f, Double.parseDouble(exponent)); } return new Double(result); } } private String extractString(CommonTree token) { // StringBuffers are an efficient way to modify strings StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(token.getText()); // Process character escapes int startPoint = 1; // skip initial quotation mark for (;;) { int slashIndex = sb.indexOf("\\", startPoint); // search for a single backslash if (slashIndex == -1) break; // Else, we have a backslash char escapeType = sb.charAt(slashIndex + 1); switch (escapeType) { case'u': // Unicode escape. String unicode = extractUnicode(sb, slashIndex); sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 6, unicode); // backspace break; // back to the loop // note: Java's character escapes match JSON's, which is why it looks like we're replacing // "\b" with "\b". We're actually replacing 2 characters (slash-b) with one (backspace). case 'b': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\b"); // backspace break; case 't': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\t"); // tab break; case 'n': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\n"); // newline break; case 'f': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\f"); // form feed break; case 'r': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\r"); // return break; case '\'': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\'"); // single quote break; case '\"': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\""); // double quote break; case '\': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\\"); // backslash break; case '/': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "/"); // solidus break; } startPoint = slashIndex+1; } // remove surrounding quotes sb.deleteCharAt(0); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } private String extractUnicode(StringBuffer sb, int slashIndex) { // Gather the 4 hex digits, convert to an integer, translate the number to a unicode char, replace String result; String code = sb.substring(slashIndex + 2, slashIndex + 6); int charNum = Integer.parseInt(code, 16); // hex to integer // There's no simple way to go from an int to a unicode character. // We'll have to pass this through an output stream writer to do // the conversion. try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos, "UTF-8"); osw.write(charNum); osw.flush(); result = baos.toString("UTF-8"); // Thanks to Silvester Pozarnik for the tip about adding "UTF-8" } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); result = null; } return result; } } value returns [Object result] : s=string { $result = s; } | n=number { $result = n; } | o=object { $result = o; } | a=array { $result = a; } | TRUE { $result=Boolean.TRUE; } | FALSE {$result = Boolean.FALSE; } | NULL {$result = null; } ; string returns [String result] : ^(STRING String) { $result = extractString($String); } ; object returns [Map result] @init { result = new HashMap(); } : ^(OBJECT pair[$result]+) ; number returns [Object result] : ^(NUMBER Number Exponent?) { $result = extractNumber($Number, $Exponent); } ; array returns [List list] @init{ list = new ArrayList(); } : ^(ARRAY (v=value {$list.add(v); })+ ) ; pair [Map map] : ^(FIELD key=String v=value) { $map.put(extractString($key), v); } ;
You can get the parser, tree parser, and unit tests as attachments to this page. You can also get the source repository at http://github.com/rdclark/json-antlr/tree/master