2. Example
The first example showed only a limited pool of possibilities, so I decided to use the second mutual left-recursive rules loop in the C# grammar as another example.
After the execution of the first step, as explained in the first example, I had the following C# grammar snippet. I realized at this point that it would be a good idea to use more of the original rules instead stand-ins because I wanted to be sure that there is no hidden interaction between the two recursion loops.
grammar CSharpRecursion2; primary_expression : array_creation_expression | primary_no_array_creation_expression ; primary_no_array_creation_expression : literal | simple_name | parenthesized_expression | member_access | invocation_expression | element_access | this_access | base_access | post_increment_expression | post_decrement_expression | object_creation_expression | delegate_creation_expression | anonymous_object_creation_expression | typeof_expression | checked_expression | unchecked_expression | default_value_expression | anonymous_method_expression | sizeof_expression | pointer_member_access | pointer_element_access ; member_access : primary_expression DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? | predefined_type DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? | qualified_alias_member DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? ; invocation_expression : primary_expression OPEN_PARENS argument_list? CLOSE_PARENS ; post_increment_expression : primary_expression OP_INC ; post_decrement_expression : primary_expression OP_DEC ; pointer_member_access : primary_expression OP_PTR IDENTIFIER ; pointer_element_access : primary_no_array_creation_expression OPEN_BRACKET expression CLOSE_BRACKET ; element_access : primary_no_array_creation_expression OPEN_BRACKET expression_list CLOSE_BRACKET ; // $<OutOfSight // Here additional rules needed to resolve errors. argument_list :COMMA ; expression :DEFAULT ; expression_list :THIS ; array_creation_expression :DELEGATE ; anonymous_method_expression :DO ; default_value_expression :DOUBLE ; unchecked_expression :ELSE ; checked_expression :ENUM ; typeof_expression :EVENT ; anonymous_object_creation_expression :EXPLICIT ; delegate_creation_expression :EXTERN ; object_creation_expression :FALSE ; base_access :FINALLY ; this_access :FIXED ; parenthesized_expression :FLOAT ; simple_name :FOR ; literal :FOREACH ; contextual_keyword[string identifier] : { input.LT(1).Text == $identifier }? IDENTIFIER ; predefined_type : BOOL ; right_shift : OP_LT OP_LT ; sizeof_expression : SIZEOF OPEN_PARENS unmanaged_type CLOSE_PARENS ; unmanaged_type : (namespace_or_type_name | simple_type | OBJECT | STRING | VOID STAR ) (STAR | INTERR | rank_specifier)* ; namespace_or_type_name : (IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? | qualified_alias_member) (DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list?)* ; IDENTIFIER : 'a'..'z' ; simple_type : BOOL ; rank_specifier : OPEN_BRACKET COMMA* CLOSE_BRACKET ; qualified_alias_member : IDENTIFIER DOUBLE_COLON IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? ; type_argument_list : OP_LT type_arguments OP_GT ; type_arguments : type_argument (COMMA type_argument)* ; type_argument : type ; type : (namespace_or_type_name | simple_type | OBJECT | STRING | VOID STAR ) (STAR | INTERR | rank_specifier)* ; ABSTRACT:'abstract'; AS:'as'; BASE:'base'; BOOL:'bool'; BREAK:'break'; BYTE:'byte'; CASE:'case'; CATCH:'catch'; CHAR:'char'; CHECKED:'checked'; CLASS:'class'; CONST:'const'; CONTINUE:'continue'; DECIMAL:'decimal'; DEFAULT:'default'; DELEGATE:'delegate'; DO:'do'; DOUBLE:'double'; ELSE:'else'; ENUM:'enum'; EVENT:'event'; EXPLICIT:'explicit'; EXTERN:'extern'; FALSE:'false'; FINALLY:'finally'; FIXED:'fixed'; FLOAT:'float'; FOR:'for'; FOREACH:'foreach'; GOTO:'goto'; IF:'if'; IMPLICIT:'implicit'; IN:'in'; INT:'int'; INTERFACE:'interface'; INTERNAL:'internal'; IS:'is'; LOCK:'lock'; LONG:'long'; NAMESPACE:'namespace'; NEW:'new'; NULL:'null'; OBJECT:'object'; OPERATOR:'operator'; OUT:'out'; OVERRIDE:'override'; PARAMS:'params'; PRIVATE:'private'; PROTECTED:'protected'; PUBLIC:'public'; READONLY:'readonly'; REF:'ref'; RETURN:'return'; SBYTE:'sbyte'; SEALED:'sealed'; SHORT:'short'; SIZEOF:'sizeof'; STACKALLOC:'stackalloc'; STATIC:'static'; STRING:'string'; STRUCT:'struct'; SWITCH:'switch'; THIS:'this'; THROW:'throw'; TRUE:'true'; TRY:'try'; TYPEOF:'typeof'; UINT:'uint'; ULONG:'ulong'; UNCHECKED:'unchecked'; UNSAFE:'unsafe'; USHORT:'ushort'; USING:'using'; VIRTUAL:'virtual'; VOID:'void'; VOLATILE:'volatile'; WHILE:'while'; OPEN_PARENS:'('; CLOSE_PARENS:')'; OPEN_BRACKET:'['; CLOSE_BRACKET:']'; OPEN_BRACE:'{'; CLOSE_BRACE:'}'; STAR:'*'; INTERR:'?'; DOT:'.'; COMMA:','; OP_PTR:'->'; DOUBLE_COLON:'::'; OP_LT:'<'; OP_GT:'>'; OP_INC:'++'; OP_DEC:'--'; // $>
After this all mutually left-recursive rules are checked if they are referenced in any other rule besides themselves in the original grammar. The original list consists of invocation_expression, primary_expression, primary_no_array_creation_expression, post_increment_expression, post_decrement_expression, element_access, member_access, pointer_element_access and pointer_member_access.
Out of those, only element_access, pointer_element_access and pointer_member_access aren't referenced elsewhere, so they are inlined before I save a copy. Next to the absence of the aforementioned rules primary_no_array_creation_expression looks like this. Its single left-recursion points it to be the first surviving rule.
primary_no_array_creation_expression : literal | simple_name | parenthesized_expression | member_access | invocation_expression | primary_no_array_creation_expression OPEN_BRACKET expression_list CLOSE_BRACKET | this_access | base_access | post_increment_expression | post_decrement_expression | object_creation_expression | delegate_creation_expression | anonymous_object_creation_expression | typeof_expression | checked_expression | unchecked_expression | default_value_expression | anonymous_method_expression | sizeof_expression | primary_expression OP_PTR IDENTIFIER | primary_no_array_creation_expression OPEN_BRACKET expression CLOSE_BRACKET ;
- 2.1 Rule Inlining primary_no_array_creation_expression
- 2.2 Rule Inlining primary_expression
- 2.3 Rule Inlining member_access
- 2.4 Rule Inlining invocation_expression
- 2.5 Rule Inlining post_increment_expression
- 2.6 Rule Inlining post_decrement_expression
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