2.6 Rule Inlining post_decrement_expression
2.6 Rule Inlining post_decrement_expression
We have to repeat the same steps again as for invocation_expression to get:
post_decrement_expression : (array_creation_expression | literal | simple_name | parenthesized_expression | predefined_type DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? | qualified_alias_member DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? | this_access | base_access | object_creation_expression | delegate_creation_expression | anonymous_object_creation_expression | typeof_expression | checked_expression | unchecked_expression | default_value_expression | anonymous_method_expression | sizeof_expression ) (DOT IDENTIFIER type_argument_list? | OPEN_PARENS argument_list? CLOSE_PARENS | OPEN_BRACKET (expression_list | expression) CLOSE_BRACKET | OP_INC | OP_PTR IDENTIFIER | OP_DEC )+ ;
The second pass has to check that array_creation_expression may not be followed by OPEN_BRACKET. It has to be also checked that OP_DEC is the last matched sequence.
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