

How To Do...

The intent here is to have a dynamic FAQ. Review any current topics to see if your HowTo question has been asked and, if and only if not, add a new H2-level entry for your new question.

Why does AntlrWorks Do...

The intent here is to have a dynamic FAQ. Review any current topics to see if your WhyDoes question has been asked and, if and only if not, add a new H2-level entry for your new question.

Fail to Clear Unresolved Reference Markers?

At times, particularly with compound grammar specifications (those that use imports), AntlrWorks fails to clear the red-color, underlying unresolved reference markers even if it can resolve the requests to Go To Declaration and even if a Check Grammar operation returns success.


Lose its Horizontal scrollbar after opening several files?

At times, AntlrWorks will cease displaying the horizontal scrollbar on some editor windows.
