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ANTLR 3 Wiki Home
To implement
add ASTView like v2 had
add dynamic token buffer
add grammar location information to the NFAState for interpreter
add hashmap option to template rewrite?
add lexer modes
add Lexer subclass to support multiple token emission
add rule javadoc to rule methods in output
add scoped template constructor
add superClass to lexer
Allow $FIRST, $FOLLOW in actions
allow skipping of entire subtrees during tree parsing
build DFA minimizer
constructors or init for global scopes
context-sensitive or goal-oriented lexing
create tool to dump antlr grammars without actions
deal with exceptions in finally actions
define unicode aliases for character categories
dependency check between grammars and vocabularies
detect ambiguities to same rule
disallow rule property that hides dynamic scope property
don't print so many errors for same decision
encoding off-channel tokens in the tree
filter tree grammar mode
filters and pattern matching for parser
greedy option should imply no error msgs
hot spot detection for memoization
how to test if rule was not matched (via label)
implement labeled set
implement labeled single-element EBNF
include note in doc about issues with backtrack=true
inheritance or some other grammar sharing mechanism
island grammar formalization
make "unparsing" of ASTs automatic
make it so $r goes to _r
move alreadyParsed outside of try
no warning for wildcard as last alt
option to show which lexer rules collide
random sentence generator should use stats
setting start char index in lexer rules
shorthand for backtrack on this alt?
single token insertion upon error vis-a-vis actions
support attribute setting in actions
support output=AST in tree grammars
token set expressions use input.LA(1) repeatedly
Tool update for IDEs
tree construction from text string
x!? doesn't work
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implement labeled single-element EBNF
implement labeled single-element EBNF
Owned by
Last updated:
Jul 27, 2006
Version comment
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x=ID+ doesn't work
, multiple selections available,
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