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Perl ANTLR v3 Target


Image Added

Ron Blaschke, ron at


Early prototyping phase. A simple lexer is   Simple lexer and parser are working.


Here's a simple example.  Note that everything is still subject to change.


Note the "no viable alternative" error message for the unrecognized '!'.


+  Handle lexer actions

Here's another  short example, similar to the one above.  Note how whitespaces are put into the hidden channel (99) and newlines are skipped.

Code Block

lexer grammar T2;
options { language = Perl5; }

ID  :   ('a'..'z'\|'A'..'Z')\+ ;
INT :   '0'..'9'\+ ;
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' { $self->skip(); } ;
WS  :   (' '\|'\t')\+ { $channel = HIDDEN; } ;
Code Block

$ perl
text: Hello
type: 4
pos: 1:0
channel: 0
token index: -1

type: 7
pos: 1:5
channel: 99
token index: -1

text: World
type: 4
pos: 1:6
channel: 0
token index: -1

line 1:11 no viable alternative at character '!'
text: 42
type: 5
pos: 2:0
channel: 0
token index: -1


+ Simple Parser is working

Quick, what is 2 + 2?   If you can't remember here's an easy way to find out.  First we need a grammar.

Code Block

grammar MExpr;

options {
  language = Perl5;

prog:   stat+ ;

stat:   expr NEWLINE { print "$expr.value\n"; }
    |   NEWLINE

expr returns [value]
    :   e=atom { $value = $e.value; }
        (   '+' e=atom { $value += $e.value; }
        |   '-' e=atom { $value -= $e.value; }

atom returns [value]
    :   INT { $value = $INT.text; }
    |   '(' expr ')' { $value = $expr.value; }

ID  :   ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ;
INT :   '0'..'9'+ ;
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
WS  :   (' '|'\t')+ { $self->skip(); } ;

 And here's the test program.

Code Block


use strict;
use warnings;

use ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream;
use ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream;
use MExprLexer;
use MExprParser;

while (<>) {
    my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new($_);
    my $lexer = MExprLexer->new($input);

    my $tokens = ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream->new({ token_source => $lexer });
    my $parser = MExprParser->new($tokens);

 Finally we're getting to the answer.

Code Block

$ perl
2 + 2


 + Simple expression grammar

The grammar

Code Block

grammar Expr;

options {
    language = Perl5;

@header {

@members {
    my %memory;

prog:   stat+ ;

stat:   expr NEWLINE { print "$expr.value\n"; }
    |   ID '=' expr NEWLINE
        { $memory{$ID.text} = $expr.value; }
    |   NEWLINE

expr returns [value]
    :   e=multExpr { $value = $e.value; }
        (   '+' e=multExpr { $value += $e.value; }
        |   '-' e=multExpr { $value -= $e.value; }

multExpr returns [value]
    :   e=atom { $value = $e.value; } ('*' e=atom { $value *= $e.value; })*

atom returns [value]
    :   INT { $value = $INT.text; }
    |   ID
            my $v = $memory{$ID.text};
            if (defined $v) {
                $value = $v;
            } else {
                print STDERR "undefined variable $ID.text\n";
    |   '(' expr ')' { $value = $expr.value; }

ID  :   ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ;
INT :   '0'..'9'+ ;
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
WS  :   (' '|'\t')+ { $self->skip(); } ;

 Test program

Code Block


use strict;
use warnings;

use blib '../..';

use ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream;
use ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream;
use ExprLexer;
use ExprParser;

my $in;
    undef $/;
    $in = <>;

my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new($in);
my $lexer = ExprLexer->new($input);

my $tokens = ANTLR::Runtime::CommonTokenStream->new({ token_source => $lexer });
my $parser = ExprParser->new($tokens);

Test run

Code Block

$ perl


 Started real porting effort.  The goal is to port one ANTLR runtime class at a time from Java to Perl, including full API coverage and documentation.  First stop of the porting train: ANTLR::Runtime::BitSet.


Got the first parser working: SimpleCalc, taken from the Five minute introduction to ANTLR 3.


Ronald Blaschke (ron at rblasch org)