The following instructions show how to go about starting a new back-end for a new language "XYZ" using the Java back-end as a basis.

All the files in the antlr-3.0/runtime/Java/src/org/antlr/runtime directory are needed to create
a full back-end. You must also copy another group of templates such as antlr-3.0/src/org/antlr/codegen/templates/Java/*.stg. And create antlr-3.0/src/org/antlr/codegen/ if you need to override anything in

But it is in fact pretty easy to get started:

lexer grammar T;
options { language = XYZ; }
ZERO: '0';

N.B: The name after the word "grammar" needs to be the same as the filename in which you save it, i.e. T.g.