StringTemplate 3.0 Release Notes

Brought to you by that maniac that brings you the ANTLR parser generator!

Terence Parr
University of San Francisco
parrt at cs dot usfca dot edu
Copyright 2003-2006 (StringTemplate released under BSD License)

Version 3.0, September 6, 2006

3.0 fixes lots of bugs and adds some great new features including:

The features were added in response to my needs building ANTLR v3's code generator and from feedback by StringTemplate users.

3.0 should be a drop-in replacement for those using ST for websites and code generation with a few minor potential incompatibilities as noted below. Also see the change list. The biggest issue is that now angle brackets are the default delimiter for StringTemplate groups.


Backward incompatibilities

The following changes were worth making despite causing some backward compatibilities for some users.

This made the ASTExpr.write separator computation much simpler and allowed me to properly handle the new "null" option.

Bug Fixes