- NONUNIQUE_REF(arg) ::= "<arg> is a non-unique reference"
- FORWARD_ELEMENT_REF(arg) ::= "illegal forward reference: <arg>"
- ?? WRITE_TO_READONLY_ATTR(arg,arg2,arg3) ::= "cannot write to read only attribute: $<arg><if(arg2)>.<arg2><endif>"
Imported grammars
- NO_SUCH_GRAMMAR_SCOPE(arg,arg2) ::= "reference to undefined grammar in rule reference: <arg>.<arg2>"
- NO_SUCH_RULE_IN_SCOPE(arg,arg2) ::= "rule <arg2> is not defined in grammar <arg>"
- IMPORTED_TOKENS_RULE_EMPTYNO_SUCH_GRAMMAR_SCOPE(arg,arg2) ::= "no lexer rules contributed to <arg> from imported grammar <arg2>"
- IMPORT_NAME_CLASH(arg,arg2) ::= "<arg.typeString> grammar <arg.name> and imported <arg2.typeString> grammar <arg2.name> both generate <arg2.recognizerName>"
- TOKEN_ALIAS_CONFLICT (In combined only. Need to compare tokens def in combined with lexer rule in implicit lexer)