should be part of ()* DFA (for entry/exit/choice). check looks for mismatch (via dfa). If fails, consumeUntil start of loop or follow of loop. Recheck to see if dfa predicts loop. If it does, enter. If predicts exit, then just exit and proceed normally.
Code templates say:
Code Block |
/** Same as a normal DFA state except that we don't examine lookahead
* for the bypass alternative. It delays error detection but this
* is faster, smaller, and more what people expect. For (X)? people
* expect "if ( LA(1)==X ) match(X);" and that's it.
dfaOptionalBlockState(k,edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
int LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber> = input.LA(<k>);<\n>
<edges; separator="\nelse ">
I'm reversing my opinion.