tree grammar JSONTree; options { tokenVocab=JSON; // reuse token types ASTLabelType=CommonTree; // $label will have type CommonTree } @header { package net.nextquestion.json; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; } @members { private Object extractNumber(CommonTree numberToken, CommonTree exponentToken) { String numberBody = numberToken.getText(); String exponent = (exponentToken == null) ? null : exponentToken.getText().substring(1); // remove the 'e' prefix if there boolean isReal = numberBody.indexOf('.') >= 0 || exponent != null; if (!isReal) { return new Integer(numberBody); } else { double result = Double.parseDouble(numberBody); if (exponent != null) { result = result * Math.pow(10.0f, Double.parseDouble(exponent)); } return new Double(result); } } private String extractString(CommonTree token) { // StringBuffers are an efficient way to modify strings StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(token.getText()); // Process character escapes int startPoint = 1; // skip initial quotation mark for (;;) { int slashIndex = sb.indexOf("\\", startPoint); // search for a single backslash if (slashIndex == -1) break; // Else, we have a backslash char escapeType = sb.charAt(slashIndex + 1); switch (escapeType) { case'u': // Unicode escape. String unicode = extractUnicode(sb, slashIndex); sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 6, unicode); // backspace break; // back to the loop // note: Java's character escapes match JSON's, which is why it looks like we're replacing // "\b" with "\b". We're actually replacing 2 characters (slash-b) with one (backspace). case 'b': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\b"); // backspace break; case 't': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\t"); // tab break; case 'n': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\n"); // newline break; case 'f': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\f"); // form feed break; case 'r': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\r"); // return break; case '\'': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\'"); // single quote break; case '\"': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\""); // double quote break; case '\\': sb.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 2, "\\"); // backslash break; } startPoint = slashIndex+1; } // remove surrounding quotes sb.deleteCharAt(0); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } private String extractUnicode(StringBuffer sb, int slashIndex) { // Gather the 4 hex digits, convert to an integer, translate the number to a unicode char, replace String result; String code = sb.substring(slashIndex + 2, slashIndex + 6); int charNum = Integer.parseInt(code, 16); // hex to integer // There's no simple way to go from an int to a unicode character. // We'll have to pass this through an output stream writer to do // the conversion. try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos, "UTF-8"); osw.write(charNum); osw.flush(); result = baos.toString("UTF-8"); // Thanks to Silvester Pozarnik for the tip bout adding "UTF-8" here } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); result = null; } return result; } } value returns [Object result] : s=string { $result = s; } | n=number { $result = n; } | o=object { $result = o; } | a=array { $result = a; } | TRUE { $result=Boolean.TRUE; } | FALSE {$result = Boolean.FALSE; } | NULL {$result = null; } ; string returns [String result] : ^(STRING String) { $result = extractString($String); } ; object returns [Map result] @init { result = new HashMap(); } : ^(OBJECT pair[$result]+) ; number returns [Object result] : ^(NUMBER Number Exponent?) { $result = extractNumber($Number, $Exponent); } ; array returns [List list] @init{ list = new ArrayList(); } : ^(ARRAY (v=value {$list.add(v); })+ ) ; pair [Map map] : ^(FIELD key=String v=value) { $map.put(extractString($key), v); } ;