package net.nextquestion.json; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: rdclark * Date: May 30, 2007 * Time: 8:11:31 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class JSONParserTests extends AbstractJSONTests { @Test public void testSimpleString() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("\"abcd\"", "(STRING \"abcd\")"); } @Test public void testCharacterEscapes() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("\"ab\\\\cd\"", "(STRING \"ab\\\\cd\")"); } @Test(expectedExceptions = RecognitionException.class) public void testUnescapedSolidus() throws IOException, RecognitionException { // The solidus "/" must be escaped in JSON. The parser will throw an exception for it. JSONParser parser = createParser("ab/cd"); ParserRuleReturnScope result = parser.value(); } /* Note: We don't test the rest of the escapes here as they're better tested at the tree parser level (after post-processing). The parser simply passes the whole escape sequence to the tree parser for processing. */ @Test public void testUnicodeCharacter() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("\"\\u001C\"", "(STRING \"\\u001C\")"); } @Test public void testPositiveInteger() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("12345", "(NUMBER 12345)"); } @Test public void testNegativeInteger() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("-12345", "(NUMBER -12345)"); } @Test public void testPositiveRealNoExponent() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("123.45", "(NUMBER 123.45)"); } @Test public void testNegativeRealNoExponent() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("-123.45", "(NUMBER -123.45)"); } @Test public void testPositiveRealExponent() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("123.45e4", "(NUMBER 123.45 e4)"); } @Test public void testNegativeRealExponent() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("123.45E-4", "(NUMBER 123.45 E-4)"); } @Test(expectedExceptions = RecognitionException.class) public void testDoubleZero() throws IOException, RecognitionException { // Leading zeros aren't allowed. The parser now throws an exception in that case JSONParser parser = createParser("007"); ParserRuleReturnScope result = parser.value(); } @Test public void testZero() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("0", "(NUMBER 0)"); } @Test public void testObject() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("{\"name\":\"anObject\",\"value\":5}", "(OBJECT (FIELD \"name\" (STRING \"anObject\")) (FIELD \"value\" (NUMBER 5)))"); } @Test public void testArray() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("[\"one\",2]", "(ARRAY (STRING \"one\") (NUMBER 2))"); } @Test public void testTrue() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("true", "TRUE"); } @Test public void testFalse() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("false", "FALSE"); } @Test public void testNull() throws IOException, RecognitionException { testViaStringTree("null", "NULL"); } }